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„DIRECTV“ Download Full The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring „DIRECTV“




  • creator: J.R.R. Tolkien, Peter Jackson
  • A meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to destroy the powerful One Ring and save Middle-earth from the Dark Lord Sauron
  • Year: 2001
  • score: 1591791 Votes
  • duration: 2 H 58 minute



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I don"t remember watching some scenes. Is it a deleted scene. Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam. I like any other reader of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy believed that middle earth could not have been brought to life in a film because it is its own fantastic world. but when i went to the showing I was absolutely amazed and i was also heart broken when i watched the Academy Awards, if Shakespeare in love should get an award over Saving Private Ryan then the Lord of the Rings without a doubt should have beaten a Beautiful Mind (i do like a beautiful mind. anyways back to the movie. the scenery was fantastic, obvious that New Zealand is the only place in the world that can be recognized as middle earth. Cast was not incredibly great but i appreciated Mortensen as Aragon and McKellen as Gandalf, but the real standout was the smaller part of the great Christopher Lee as my favorite character Sauromon. This movie is a must for all LOTR readers and everyone else, truly the beginning of a great trilogy and a taste of whats to come.

2:56 Bilbo made that same sigh just as Gollum did when he owned the ring O.o. Gimli is the only sensible person here. This is great. Gimli: in FOTR) Never trust an elf! Also Gimli (in ROTK) some time later) Never thought I"d die fighting side by side with an elf Legolas: How about side by side with a friend? Gimli: Aye, I could do that If that"s not character development I don"t know what is. Love it.??. Old wonderful memories. world should be like the shire.

Remember when we could go on adventures. When we couldn"t just look everything up on a gps, when we didn"t have maps of the world. Those were the days. 32:37 ring wraith holding an umbrella milling about is hilarious. Sean Bean always portrays my favourite characters, but he always dies! Argh. No im not crying i just have a hobbit in my eye.


I lot of meme material. The movie sucked thay mad him more goofy then making him go on the hunt like a true killer. Let me start with a comment that will make die-hard Tolkien fans cringe: I have not read the books. I am familiar with the "70s animated versions and have only recently started reading "The Hobbit, but I knew almost next-to-nothing about what I"d be seeing on the screen. The good news is I liked what I saw. The not-so-good news is that it sure ain"t perfect. Because the filmmakers obviously wanted to cater to the hardcore readers of the original trilogy, the end result becomes somewhat stiff. There isn"t any real flow to the narrative. Gripes you may have heard about "chase, battle, rest; chase, battle, rest; repeat, etc." turn out to be true. In many ways, in terms of filmmaking and narrative, LORD OF THE RINGS gets stuck in a predictable rut fairly early on. After awhile, well, everything starts to look and sound the same. The score doesn"t seem to have enough color in it, and many of the CGI-rendered landscapes, while pretty, still end up being fairly ho-hum, because in this day and age, no one can seriously gawk at a fantasy film and marvel, How did they do THAT. The common one-word answer: Computers. Hence, a little bit of magic is lost.
. Before this becomes a pan of a review, however, let me say there is still much to enjoy. ALL of the actors are superb, even if some of their dialogue comes off as stilted (but then, that"s the case with most fantasy and/or historical films) and there certainly is real drama and action to suck you in. Even though I"m not the biggest fan of CGI, many effects are still gorgeous to look at.
. There is only one sequence that I just did not care for at all, and actually had some audience members cracking-up in the theater I saw the film in. the battle between Saruman and Gandalf was just plain laughable. There"s something about two old guys throwing each other around with invisible forcefields and grunting at the top of their lungs that is just flat-out silly. Surely, there could have been a classier way of showing these two characters metaphysically duke it out?
. All-in-all, if you"re a die-hard, I"m sure you"ll absolutely love seeing literary characters you"ve loved for years come to life on the big screen. Others, like me, who don"t walk into a theater expecting ANY film to be a life-changing experience, may still enjoy a first-class production, but may leave the theater scratching their heads and thinking, What was all the hubbub about.

So much peace and happiness in one scene...